Driver Ed Frequently Asked Questions

Is this Texas adult driver ed course right for me?

If you are between the age of 18 and 24 and have never had a Texas state driver license, then you must successfully complete adult driver education to apply for your license.

Is this Texas adult driving school approved by the state of Texas?

Yes, the course offered on Texas Adult Driver is approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) to meet your adult driver license requirement as stated by the Texas Department of Public Safety. American Safety Council is an approved provider, school number: #C2386

Why do I have to complete driver education to get a license?

The state of Texas passed a rule in March 2010 that anyone age 18 through 24 who does not have a valid driver license from another state or country must complete an approved driver education course and a driving skills test to become a licensed driver in Texas.

How long is this course?

The state requires the driver ed course be a total of 6-hours.

Do I have to complete the course all at once?

No, the system saves your progress each time you log out so you can take the course at your own pace.

Is the driver ed course online?

Yes. The driver education course is 100% online. This allows you to complete your requirement before you go to the DPS to apply for your license.

What do I need to do after completing the course?

The Texas Department of Public safety requires you to present proof of successful completion of the driver education course. However, you must still take a driving skills examination test at the DPS. This is required for all drivers seeking a Texas license.

Do I have to take a written test at the DPS?

No. You will not need to complete a written test if you successfully complete this online course and submit proof of completion to the DPS.

What do I need to get a Texas driver license?

You must complete the following steps:

All first time applicants for a Texas driver license must:

  1. Apply in person at a Texas driver license office.
  2. Present documents that verify your identity.
  3. Present documents that verify you are a U.S. citizen or have lawful presence. All information on each document must match. Additional documentation may be required to verify conflicting information, incomplete names, and date of birth.
  4. Present proof of Social Security Number. If you do not have a Social Security Number, you must complete a Social Security Affidavit form available at the driver license office.
  5. Present proof of Texas vehicle registration and liability insurance on all vehicles you own. Complete the application for driver license or identification card (PDF). You may type your information on the form, print it, and bring it with you to the office. If you don't have a printer, the form is also available at the office.
  6. Consent to be photographed, fingerprinted, and provide your signature at the time of application.
  7. Provide proof of completion of an adult driver education course if you are between the age of 18 and 24
  8. Pass the written (excluded if you are 18-24 and have completed adult driver ed), driving, and vision examinations. (Read more about foreign language examinations.)
  9. Pay the required fee with a credit card, cash, money order, or a non-temporary check.
  10. Provide a vehicle for the driving exam and present current liability insurance, Texas vehicle registration, and inspection for the vehicle.

What's is on the driving skills test at the DMV?

Read our Texas Driving Test guide to learn about what driving skills you will be tested on at the Texas DPS.

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